Published Books in English

Book 1: Novel Six Sigma Approaches to Risk Assessment and Management

Publication Details

ISBN: 9781522527039

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: July 2017

Publishing house: IGI Global

Book Description

The progression of risk management techniques provides crucial applications and benefits to a multitude of industries. By analysing the current trends and techniques used to assess and mitigate risks, safer processes can be used for all professional fields, as well as society as a whole.

Novel Six Sigma Approaches to Risk Assessment and Management is a vital scholarly resource that provides an in-depth examination of innovative Six Sigma methods for risk mitigation initiatives. Featuring an array of relevant topics such as project management, production scheduling, information systems security, and agricultural planning, this is an ideal reference book for professionals, academicians, students, and researchers interested in detailed research on recent advancements in the management of risk in all fields. The many academic areas covered in this publication include, but are not limited to: Agricultural Planning, and Information. Systems Security, Investment Management, Petroleum Exploration, Production Scheduling, Project Management, Research & Development, and Retail Ordering Policies. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). According to Bernstein, the presented method is one such tool.


Book 2: Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management

Included in BookAuthority’s list of 100 Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time.  This book currently ranks 25th with 4.13 stars.

Publication Details

ISBN: 9781522572800

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: October 2018

Publishing house: IGI Global

Book Description

Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management: Emerging Research and Opportunities explores the theoretical and practical aspects of Six Sigma DMAIC methods and tools to improve the financial risk management process and applications within finance, research and development, and software engineering. Featuring coverage on a broad range of topics such as controlling VAR, financial institution evaluations, and global limit systems, this book is ideally designed for financial managers, risk managers, researchers, and academics seeking current research on financial risk management to ensure that uncertainty does not affect, or at least has a minimal impact on, the achievement of goals within a financial institution. The many academic areas covered in this publication include but are not limited to Alternative Measures, Banking Analysis, Cash Flow, Financial Institution Analysis, Foreign Exchange Options, Global Limit Systems, Retail Banking, Risk Management, Six Sigma, and Stochastic Optimisation.


Book 3: Risk Management for Businesses with Stochastic Six Sigma DMAIC Method

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-2-67095-1

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Jul 7, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents the Stochastic DMAIC Method applications to Risk Management for Businesses. The book is purposed for experienced managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and the related subject’s degree students. The script discusses Risk Management in Software Quality, New Product Profitability, Electric Car Plant Expansion, the Company’s Financial Statement, Disaster Damage and Cost for Insurance, Banking Credit Loss, the Company’s Cash Flow and Net Present Value, and Loan Interest Rate and Payment Schedule. The book provides essential tools for Risk Management improvements in Businesses. In conclusion, Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The presented method in this book is one such tool.



Book 4: Risk & Decision Analysis in Risk Management for Businesses

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-2-79642-2

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Aug 20, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents the Risk & Decision Analysis applications to Risk Management for Businesses. The book is purposed for experienced risk managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and the related subject’s degree students. The Risk Analysis is applied in Launching a New Product in Production, Optimal Pricing Strategy in Marketing, Cash Flow & NPV Projection in the Mining Industry, and Advanced Technology Profitability. The Decision Analysis is elaborated on: Developing a New Medicine in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Oil Drilling in the Petroleum Industry, Purchasing Strategy in the Manufacturing Industry, and Biding for a Contract in the Technology Industry. As powered by Sensitivity and What-If Analysis, Risk and Decision Analysis provides an essential tool for Risk Management improvements in Businesses. In conclusion, Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The method presented in this book is one such tool.



Book 5: Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis of Risk for Businesses

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-2-91949-4

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Oct 6, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents the Sensitivity Analysis in Risk Assessment and Management for experienced risk managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and related subject degree students. The book offers stochastic models: to optimise project portfolio considering the projects’ capital budgeting with financial statements in Portfolio Management; to estimate the costs of a new project in Project Management; to generically assess costs considering multiple possible events throughout the year in Financial Risk Management; to predict costs for the coming year using historical data for seven years in Mining Industry; to forecast the production and economic fundamentals in Petroleum Industry; to predict events and associated operational risk in Manufacturing. The Sensitivity Analysis provides for essential improvements. In conclusion, Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The method presented in this book is one such tool.



Book 6: Risk Analysis and Prediction in Finance and Insurance

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-3-02745-7

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Nov 3, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents Risk Analysis and Prediction in Finance and Insurance for experienced risk managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and related subject degree students. The book presents models for Risk Analysis and Prediction using simulation, optimisation, and Neural Networks to control risks and improve Risk Assessment & Management. The chapters present Optimal portfolio selection in Investment Management to control Market Risk; Controlling Credit Risk for optimal loan portfolio selection in Banking; Controlling Market Risk for optimal portfolio selection with Correlated Assets; Analysis of different aspects of Credit Risk for loan approvals in Banking; Analysis of Insurance Risk with Reinsurance option; Analysis of Insurance Risk in claim payments; Predicting the loan applicants’ timely payments in Banking; Predicting the Stock Market Up or Down direction. The applied Sensitivity Analysis provides for essential improvements. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The method presented is one such tool.



Book 7: Business Risk Analysis and Prediction

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-3-19675-7

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Dec 14, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents Business Risk Analysis and Prediction for experienced risk managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and related subject degree students. The book offers models for Risk Analysis and Prediction using simulation, optimisation, and Neural Networks to control risks and improve Risk Assessment & Management. The chapters demonstrate risk models for Predicting Price Evolution with Markov Chain; Financial Forecasting for Businesses; Oil Pipelines Risk Analysis; Risk Analysis of Customer Loyalty with Incentive; Risk Analysis of Launching New Product; Gold Mine Risk Analysis with Optimisation; House Prices Prediction with Linear Regression; Predicting Churn for Mobile Phone Providers. The applied Sensitivity and What-If Analysis provide for essential improvements. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The methods presented are one such tool.



Book 8: Miscellaneous Risk Analysis

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-3-20060-7

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Dec 29, 2020

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

This practical book presents the Miscellaneous Risk Analysis for experienced risk managers, risk analysts, financial risk managers, and the related subject’s degree students. The book offers models for Risk Analysis using simulation, optimisation, and Neural Networks and applying the Six Sigma DMAIC method to control risks and improve Risk Assessment & Management. This book is based on the author’s published papers in eminent international conferences and journals. The papers are changed and enhanced with Comprehensive Sensitivity Analysis and What-If Analysis to improve the chapters. The book chapters are Risk Analysis of Asset Liability Management for Basel III and Solvency II, Analysis of Software Quality Risk, Security Software Quality Risk Analysis, Comparative Software Reliability Risk Analysis, and Risk Analysis of Investment Management for Basel III and Solvency II. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). The methods presented are one such tool.


Book 9: Operations Research for Decision Analysis and Prediction

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-5-49772-2

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Sep 6, 2022

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

“Operations Research Applications for Decision Analysis and Prediction: Advanced Research and Opportunities for Financial Risk Assessment & Management” is a practical book. The book presents applications of Operations Research advanced Decision Analysis and Prediction methods for improving Financial Risk Assessment and Management, and it is purposed for business Risk Managers across industries. The book chapters are Developing a New Medicine Decision Analysis, Oil Drilling Decision Analysis, Decision Analysis of Purchasing Strategy, Decision Analysis for Bidding on a Contract, Predicting Stock Market Direction, Predicting Loan Applicants’ Timely Payments, House Prices Prediction with Linear Regression, and Predicting Churn for Mobile Phone Providers. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein & Damodaran 1998). The author’s Operations Research Methods is one such tool.



Book 10: Financial Risk Assessment and Management with Six Sigma DMAIC Methods

Publication Details

ISBN: 978-620-5-49700-5

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published on: Sep 7, 2022

Publishing house: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

Book Description

“Financial Risk Assessment and Management with Six Sigma DMAIC Methods” is a practical book. This book is purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk and Decision Analysis, and Operations Research. The book chapters are Six Sigma DMAIC, Comprehensive Risk Analysis in Investment Portfolio, Investments Risk Management, Markov Chain Monte Carlo Price Evolution, Bank Loan Portfolio Risk, Estimating Loan Interest Rates and Payments, Risk Analysis of Insurance Claims with Reinsurance Option, and Insurance Claims Payments Risk Analysis. Bernstein stated, “the risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein & Damodaran 1998). The author’s Six Sigma DMAIC Methods are one such tool.


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Book 11: Risk Assessment & Management with Events, Six Sigma DMAIC, and More

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

The book “Risk Assessment & Management with Events, Six Sigma DMAIC, and More” is practical and it is purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research.

The book chapters are: Ch. 1 “Event Risk Models”; Ch. 2 “Modelling Costs from Events”; Ch. 3 “Number of Events in Fixed Time”; Ch. 4 “Sensitivity Analysis with Simtable”; Ch. 5 “Information System Security Risk”; Ch. 6 “Predicting Financial Statement; Ch. 7 “Optimising Project Portfolio”; and Ch. 8 “Cost Assessment to Possible Events”.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 12: Risk Assessment and Management with Miscellaneous Topics

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

The “Risk Assessment and Management with Miscellaneous Topics” is a practical book purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research.

The book chapters are Airline Revenue Management, Building Onshore Versus Offshore, Chess Knight Moves, Climate Copulas, Competitor Entry, Customer Loyalty with Incentive, Customer Value Using Recency & Frequency, House Project Crashing, Hydroelectric Power, Mining Operating Costs, New Product Profitability, Travel Expenses with Risk Collect, and Valuing Gold Mine Lease.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 13: Financial Risk Assessment & Management with Six Sigma DMAIC

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

The book “Financial Risk Assessment & Management with Six Sigma DMAIC” is a practical book purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, and Risk Management.

The book’s chapters are Financial Statements Prediction, New Products Profitability Analysis, Banks’ Credit Losses Analysis, Discounted Cash Flow Projections, Comprehensive Investment Risk Assessment, Risk Assessment in Investment Portfolio, Estimating Loan Interest Rates and Payments, and Bank Loan Portfolio Credit Risk Analysis.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 14: Business Risk Assessment and Management

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

The book “Business Risk Assessment and Management” is practical and purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research.

The chapters in the book are Basic Business, Contingent Contract Valuation, Launching New Product: An Analysis, Optimal Advertising, Planning House Purchase, Portfolio Balancing with Uncertainty, Product Launch Top-Rank RISK, Product Mix with Uncertainty, Real Options, New Product, and Risk Register Effect on Business Continuity.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 15: Stock Market Risk Assessment and Management

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

“Stock Market Risk Assessment and Management” is a practical book. This book is purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research. The book chapters are E-Commerce, Discounted Cash Flow, Investment Model with Correlated Assets, Options Portfolio with Correlation Copula Comparison, Portfolio Analysis, Investment Management Risk, Stock Price Forecasts, and Valuing Stock Options.

The author’s distinguished books “Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management” (2019) ranked with 4.09 stars, and “Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management” (2024) ranked with 4.21 stars in “The Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time” by the BookAuthority (Ref. This significant recognition confirmed that his applied methods for Risk Management are approved and acknowledged by the Book-Authority.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 16: Banking Risk Assessment and Management with Comprehensive Applications

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

This book elaborates on applications to Financial Risk Management. The Financial Risk Management is improved with Sensitivity Analysis.

The book is practical and it only provides advanced methods and tools to improve the financial risk management process in Banking. That is, the book does not teach financial risk management concepts. Mostly, it is purposed for experienced financial managers in general, and specifically financial risk analysts and financial risk managers. In addition, the book will be very beneficial to academics in teaching and practicing Financial Risk Management.  Also, it will be useful to the degree students studying the topics of Finance in general, and specifically, Financial Risk Management, Risk and Decision Analysis, and Operations Research providing simple examples for practicing on their subjects of study.

The book elaborates on the following eight chapters i) Advanced Sensitivity Analysis; ii) Cash Management; iii) Credit Risk Losses; iv) E-Commerce Service; v) Exchange Rate Hedging; vi) Projecting Interest Rates; vii) Risk Register Real-Time Cash Flows Risk Register Real-Time Cash Flows; and viii) Sensitivity Analysis with Sim-table.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 17: Insurance Risk Assessment and Management with Advanced Applications

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

“Insurance Risk Assessment and Management with Advanced Applications” is a practical book. This book is purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research. The book chapters are Insurance Claims Models, Insurance Claims Pay-out, Insurance Claims Stress, Insurance Claims Through Time, Insurance Claims with Reinsurance Option, Insurance Claims with RiskCompound Cell Referencing, Insurance Contingent Contract Valuation, and Insurance Stress Analysis. The author’s distinguished book “Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management” including the Six Sigma DMAIC methods for Risk Management has been recognised and ranked with 3.93 stars in the “100 Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time” by the BookAuthority (Ref. 

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking”. As inspired by Bernstein, this author’s book is such tools.



Book 18: Financial Risk Assessment and Management with Progressive Applications

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

2024-12-17 | Book


Authors: Vojo Bubevski


Emerging Research and Opportunities


Vojo Bubevski (0000-0002-7181-4445)



Book Description

“Financial Risk Assessment and Management with Progressive Applications” is a practical book. This book is purposed for Risk Management professionals, managers, risk managers, risk analysts, academics, and degree students teaching/studying Management, Risk Management, Risk & Decision Analysis, and Operations Research. The book chapters are Cash Management, Financial Forecasting, Financial Forecasting with Goal Seek, Investment Portfolio Management, Financial Statement Forecasting, Cash Flow Projections, Value at Risk (VAR), and Investment Risk Valuation. The author’s distinguished book “Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management” including the Six Sigma DMAIC methods for Risk Management has been recognised and ranked with 3.93 stars in the “100 Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time” by the BookAuthority (Ref.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein & Damodaran 1998). The author’s presented book is one such tool.



Book 19: Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Applications to Financial Risk Management

This book is included in BookAuthority’s list of  The Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time.  The book currently ranks with 4.21 stars out of 5 stars (Ref. This significant recognition confirmed that the author’s applied methods for Risk Management are approved and acknowledged by the BookAuthority.

Publication Details

ISBN: 979-8-3693-3787-5

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published: 2024

Publishing house: IGI Global

Book Description

This book elaborates on Six Sigma DMAIC and Markov Chain Monte Carlo applications to Financial Risk Management. The Financial Risk Management with Six Sigma DMAIC is improved with Sensitivity Analysis and What-If Analysis. In addition, the book is enhanced with Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Price Evolution.

 The book elaborates on the following 14 chapters i) Six Sigma Quotation Process; ii) Six Sigma DMAIC Yield Analysis; iii) Six Sigma DMAIC Failure Rate; iv) Six Sigma DMAIC Failure Rate with RiskTheo Functions; v) Financial Statements Predictions; vi) New Products Profitability Analysis; vii) Banks’ Credit Losses Analysis; viii) Discounted Cash Flow Projections; ix) Comprehensive Investment Risk Assessment; x) Risk Assessment in Investment Portfolio; xi) Estimating Loan Interest rates and Payments; xii) Bank Loan Portfolio Credit Risk Analysis; xiii) Price Evolution with Markov Chain Monte Carlo; and xiv) Financial Risk Management Future Directions.

P. L. Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein & Damodaran 1998). As inspired by Bernstein, the author’s recognised book is a such a tool.


Book 20: Novel Six Sigma DMAIC Approaches to Project Risk Assessment and Management

Publication Details

ISBN: 9798369328187

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published: 2024

Publishing house: IGI Global

Book Description

The progression of risk management techniques provides crucial applications and benefits to a multitude of industries. By analysing the current trends and techniques used to assess and mitigate risks, safer processes can be used for all professional fields, as well as society as a whole.

Novel Six Sigma DMAIC Approaches to Project Risk Assessment and Management is a vital scholarly resource that provides an in-depth examination of innovative Six Sigma methods for risk mitigation initiatives. Featuring an array of relevant topics such as project management, production scheduling, information systems security, and agricultural planning, this is an ideal reference book for professionals, academicians, students, and researchers interested in detailed research on recent advancements in the management of risk in all fields. There are many academic areas covered in this publication. 

The book elaborates on the following 12 chapters: i) Introduction to Projects Risk Analysis; ii) Project Costs with Delays and Failure; iii) Projects Portfolio Selection; iv) Real Options of Projects: Six Models; v) Capital Budgeting for Projects; vi) Capital Budgeting with Financial Statements; vii) Analysis of Waterflood Project; viii) House Project Crashing; ix) Optimal Timing of Projects; x) Project Portfolio Cost Analysis; xi) Ongoing Project Performance Improvements; and xii) Project Net Present Value Optimisation

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). According to Bernstein, the presented method is one such tool.



Book 21: Decision and Prediction Analysis Powered with Operations Reseaech

Publication Details

ISBN: 9798369341797

Author: Vojo Bubevski

Published: 2024

Publishing house: IGI Global

Book Description

The progression of risk management techniques provides crucial applications and benefits to a multitude of industries. By analysing the current trends and techniques used to assess and mitigate risks, safer processes can be used for all professional fields, as well as society as a whole.

Decision and Prediction Analysis Powered With Operations Research is a vital scholarly resource that provides an in-depth examination of innovative methods for mitigation initiatives.

The book is practical and provides tools to improve risk assessment and decision analysis practices in businesses; it does not teach the concepts. Mainly, it is purposed for experienced risk analysts, managers, and decision-makers, including financial risk managers, project managers, etc. In addition, the book is very beneficial to university students studying Risk Management in general, Financial Risk Management, Operations Research, Decision and Prediction Analysis, and Operations Research, as it provides examples for practicing their subjects of study.

The book assumes a working knowledge of the subject. By applying the proposed techniques, readers will substantially improve and facilitate Risk Assessment and Management, Decision and Prediction Analysis in their businesses, including financial aspects. This will ultimately and systematically enhance risk management in their organisations. This is an important objective, which if achieved, will gain significant benefits.

The book elaborates on the following 13 chapters i) Developing New Medicine Decision Analysis; ii) Oil Drilling Decision Analysis; iii) Decision Analysis of Purchasing Strategy; iv) Decision Analysis for Bidding on Contract; v) Predicting Loan Applicants’ Timely Payments; vi) Forecasting Stock Market Direction; vii) House Price Prediction with Linear Regression; viii) Predicting Churn for Mobile Phone Providers; ix) Advanced Sensitivity Analysis; x) Insurance Claims with Reinsurance Option; xi) Cash Management; xii) Credit Risk; and xiii) Launching New Product.

Bernstein stated, “The risk will always be there, so we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking” (Bernstein and Damodaran 1998). According to Bernstein, the presented method is one such tool.