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Frequently Asked Questions


Can you help us with Financial Risk Assessment & Management?

Vojo Bubevski published 10 books, one chapter, and 12 papers recognised by Semantic Scholar, on Financial Risk Assessment & Management across industries. You can find them on the “Home” Page on this Website. Some examples of Financial Risk Assessment and Management are given below.

The Credit Risk in a bank loan portfolio is elaborated on how to construct and select an optimal bank loan portfolio of loan classes by managing the Credit Risk considering the bank’s capital and the risk limits of the bank.

An elaboration on Credit Risk in a bank considers a loan to finance a factory project. It explains the analysis and measurement of different aspects of Credit Risk to determine how much should be lent to the factory project and for how long, considering the risk inherent in the transaction. The Credit Risk is analysed and measured from all aspects.

Considered here is the Market Risk in a portfolio including VAR. It elaborates on how to construct and select an optimal portfolio of correlated assets to control VAR considering the risk-associated limits.

The Liquidity Risk management in retail banking elaborates on how to determine an optimal cash management strategy to provide for liquidity of a retail bank that maximises profit by using the Miller-Orr Cash Management Model.

The Interest Rate Risk management by using interest rate derivatives elaborates how to value the two-year Inverse Float Derivative to manage Interest Rate Risk. Presented is a model for the Interest Rate Risk associated with the two-year Inverse Float Derivative.

The Foreign Exchange Risk is elaborated on how to use Foreign Exchange Options for hedging the Foreign Exchange Risk. The problem is to determine how many European Put options to purchase for optimal hedging of the Foreign Exchange Risk.


Can you help us for Risk Assessment & Management with other European languages?

Vojo Bubevski published 58 books in the following other European languages, which were translated by professional linguists. You can find the other European languages books on this “Landing” Page on the Website. The 58 books in other European languages are as follows:

  • Eight Risk Assessment & Management books in French;
  • Eight Risk Assessment & Management books in Italian;
  • Eight Risk Assessment & Management books in Spanish;
  • Eight Risk Assessment & Management books in Portuguese;
  • Eight Risk Assessment & Management books in Russian;
  • Seven Risk Assessment & Management books in German;
  • Five Risk Assessment & Management books in Dutch;
  • Five Risk Assessment & Management books in Polish;
  • One Risk Assessment & Management book in Macedonian.

Can you help with Operations Research Applications for Decision Analysis?

Vojo Bubevski published a book on Operations Research Applications for Decision Analysis across Industries. You can find the book “Operations Research Applications for Decision Analysis and Prediction” on the “Home” Page on this Website. Some examples of Decision Analysis are given below.

·        Developing a New Medicine Decision Analysis;

·        Oil Drilling Decision Analysis;

·        Decision Analysis of Purchasing Strategy;

·        Decision Analysis for Bidding on a Contract.  


Can you read and tolk all the other nine European languages?

No. Vojo Bubevski can read and talk French and Russian but not at a professional level. He can fully write, read, and talk only in English, Macedonian, Serbian, and Croatian. He comes from Macedonia and he was born in Macedonia (ex-Jugoslavia).


Can you help with Operations Research Applications for Predictions?

Vojo Bubevski published a book on Operations Research Applications for Predictions across industries. You can find the book “Operations Research Applications for Decision Analysis and Prediction” on the “Home” Page on this Website. Some examples of Predictions are given below.

·        Predicting Stock Market Direction;

·        Predicting Loan Applicants’ Timely Payments;

·        House Prices Prediction with Linear Regression;

·        Predicting Churn for Mobile Phone Providers.  


Can you be contacted for dicussion on i) Risk Analysis & Management; ii) Decision Analysis; or iii) Predictions; in English, and via which media?

Vojo Bubevski would be privileged to be contacted via Email. His email is He will enjoy discussing, answering any questions you may have, and providing you with help.

He would be very happy to professionally resolve your problems within your businesses in the domain of Risk Assessment & Management, Decision Analysis, and Predictions.

Note: He has been publishing his work on Risk Assessment & Management, Decision Analysis, and Predictions, since 2007.

Also, he has been professionally working for companies on Risk Assessment & Management, Decision Analysis, and Predictions, since 2018.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Sincere thanks and warm regards,

Vojo Bubevski

Improvements in Risk Assessment & Management, Operations Research, Decision Analysis, and Predictions: Crucial for Successful Business across Enterprises

Vojo Bubevski is a professional specialist in Risk Analysis and Management, Operations Research, Decision Analysis, and Predictions.

He has been publishing his work on Risk Assessment and Management, Operations Research, Decision Analysis, and Predictions, since 2007.

The renowned book authored by Vojo Bubevski “Six Sigma Improvements for Basel III and Solvency II in Financial Risk Management”, applying his unique Six Sigma DMAIC methods for Risk Management, currently holds 4.06 stars and ranks 65th  in the “100 Best Financial Risk Management Books of All Time” by the BookAuthority (Ref.

Since 2018, he has been working for companies as a professional specialist in Risk Assessment & Management, Decision Analysis, and Predictions.

He published in English 10 books, one chapter, and 12 papers recognised by Semantic Scholar. The subjects were Financial Risk Assessment & Management, Decision Analysis, and Predictions, across industries.

Also, he published 58 books translated by professional linguists from English, into the following other European languages: i) Eight books in French; ii) Eight books in Italian; iii) Eight books in Spanish; iv) Eight books in Portuguese; v) Eight books in Russian; vi) Seven books in German; vii) Five books in Dutch; viii) Five books in Polish; and ix) One book in Macedonian.

He would be privileged to be contacted via Email. His email is

He would be very happy to have a mission to work for your companies as a contractor, in order to professionally resolve your problems within your businesses in the domain of Risk Assessment & Management, Operations Research, Decision Analysis, and Predictions.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincere thanks and warm regards,

Vojo Bubevski